Wednesday, August 21, 2013

And the award for the best husband/father goes to....

TOM SCHUTTE! What a site was this after work. Not only he is man enough to baby wear, but he's man enough to baby wear while making homemade pasta for dinner. Tom for the win!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to Work

Well folks, that's it. Maternity leave is officially over. It actually has been since May, but Liz took three months of parental leave plus three weeks of vacation. Now it's back to the grind! She was greeted with some lovely flowers from Lunette. How did the first day go? "It was like I never went away."

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Today we had a family day at Duinrell with Opa Bas, Oma Wilma, Aunty Rachel, and our family. Benjamin got to go on his first real ride with Evie. It was soooo cute. We had such a fun time!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Beelden aan Zee

Today Benjamin had some practice hours at the Creche, so we took the older kids to a museum by the beach. "Beelden aan Zee" is a great little museum of sculptures. The kids we're bring might dorky pretending to be part of the art.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Big sleepover

Big sleepover last night! Evie, Felix, and Benjamin were joined in their room by Mirre and her big sister Lieve. Amazingly, everybody was asleep by 9:30 and slept through the night. Of course we had American pancakes for breakfast.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Yesterday Evie, Felix, and Mirre made some tie dye tshirts and Liz tie dyed some of Benjamin's flat diapers. The results are pretty cool, despite the colors not completely setting properly. Next time we will do better! And in other words, Benjamin's first tooth broke through today!