On Queen's day it is tradition to have a large open market on streets all over the country, called the rommelmarkt. Imagine a nation-wide yard sale. Usually, we were the ones doing the shopping, but this year we decided to try to get rid of some of the things we don't need anymore, such as baby clothes, Evie clothes, the playpen, baby bath, etc.. We were hoping to sell the double stroller, but it didn't happen. We also baked two sorts of cookies and sold them for 30 cents per bag of three. We managed to sell them all, as well as more than half of the clothes and all the other bigger items. The day started with much rain, however, which had us packing up to go home. (not very fun) We decided to stay, after all, and are glad we did. Next year we'll do it again! Weather permitting!!!
While Liz was selling cookies and whatnot all day, Tom was left to entertain the kids. He brought them to the playground, where Felix loved going on the slide! We got a little carried away with the editing of the video. It's kind of funny.
One of the new toys we got at the rommelmarkt was a wooden baby carriage push toy. Felix loves walking behind it, as does Evie. They also enjoy pushing each other around in it. If only Felix would stay inside the stroller...