Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sinterklaas came! again

Last night Evie, again, set her shoe by the back door and sang some songs in hopes that Sinterklaas would visit again. This morning the video camera was there to see her excitement at finding that he indeed snuck in last night!! She's only speaking Dutch in the video, so we've inserted some subtitles.


Bas en Wil op reis said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ik kan niet wachten op 5 december!!! Wat is het toch een goed opgevoed knuffeltje. Ik smelt helemaal kan je nagaan hoe het voor Sint moet zijn...........xxxxxxxxx

Nancy Hill said...

Love that baby. What a wonderful, delightful and polite little girl. Thank you Etta, Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!! love that kid!