Monday, January 19, 2009

On the Ice!

It's warmed up a bit by now, but Holland has been having some of the coldest weather in years. For about two weeks the temperature stayed below freezing, causing all the canals to turn to ice. Holland is known for its ice skaters. Much of the Dutch love of ice skating comes from the history of frozen canals. The last few years, however, hardly anything has frozen over. This year was the first in many that a major skating tournament was held on natural ice.

All this nice, cold weather and ice also means that all the kids (big and small) go out to enjoy it. Last weekend Evie went "skating" twice. Okay, she doens't have skates, but she doesn't know the difference. Here are some pictures and a short video from Sunday. She accompanied Papa, Oma, Opa, Martijn, and Danielle in Zoetermeer.

Getting laced up.

Ice! Yay!

Papa pulls the sleigh.

Oma pulls the sleigh.

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