Sunday, May 10, 2009


Last night at around 8:30 pm Mama Liz and Baby Felix were able to come home - just in time for Mother's Day! The first night home Felix was treated like a little prince and was even allowed to sleep in the big bed with Mama & Papa. Today the kraamzorg is here. Inger will be coming until Friday for 6 hours a day. She is here to take care of the baby and mama and do daily check-ups - temperature, weight, color, etc. She also helps with housework such as laundry, vacuuming, groceries. So far so good! We haven't been able to weight Felix today (can't find the darn batteries), but yesterday he had gained 120 grams from the day before!
Chilling with Papa!

Waiting for Taxi Martijn to bring us home


Rachel said...

Welkom thuis! Fijne moederdag en tot snel maar weer! xx

matthijsbobschutte said...

hee happy moederdag!! welkom thuis liz en felix!!hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie..ik bel jullie snel weer want ik wil alle horen!!dikke zoenen van mij en christyl

Unknown said...

happy mothersday! im glad you guys are home now. he looks so beautiful!!

Unknown said...

HAH! i love the new stick figure family pictures! sooo awesome. and i love the picture of tom and felix, just like the one of him and evie, well done. love you guys! i cant believe you have a little boy now!!