Monday, June 8, 2009

Felix is 1 month old

This weekend marked Felix's first month. Today he went for his one month check up. We were really excited to see how much he's grown and finally get a length measurement. My, oh my, how he has grown! He is now 4970 grams or 10 lbs 15 oz, putting him in the 81st percentile. (To jog your memory, he was 7 lbs 10 oz at birth, and in the 41st percentile) That is a major growth spurt. It's looking like mama's milk is full of the good stuff! Felix was measured to be 56 cm, putting him in the 68th percentile. For all you dorks out there, here are his growth charts.
Length Chart
Weight Chart

The rest of the appointment also went really well. Felix is a healthy, happy little boy. He started smiling a few days ago which gives us much joy. After our vacation we have our next well-baby visit where he will have to have his first vaccination shot.


PortlandPaw said...

You should do what I did when you were Felix's age -- take those two data points and do a straight line extrapolation of where he will be when he's 21 years old. The results will amaze you!

Happy birthday, Felix!

PortlandPaw said...

The answer is 843 pounds or 382,378 grams.

The Schutte Family said...

Let's just hope his height grows at the same rate, and he'll be okay. 843 pounds sits well when you are 51 ft 3 inches. He'll actually be extremely anorexic if you check what his BMI would be then... poor little guy.

Bas en Wil op reis said...

wauw we herkennen dat kleine mannetje straks niet meer hoor wat een kanjerjte zeg en ook al 56 cm.............hele dikke knuffels voor jullie allemaal en we missen jullie wel hoor!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

Rachel said...

Hallo! Wow, wat doet hij het allemaal goed! Wat leuk dat hij echt al lacht, dat zal zeker een hoop plezier brengen! ach ja...perfecte babyboy...wat wil een mens nog meer??? xx