Friday, January 8, 2010

Party Time's Over

Tonight we are heading back to Holland after two fun-filled weeks in Orlando, Florida.  We leave shortly before 3pm and are again stopping over in Philadelphia.  We plan on having our last American restaurant meal in the airport before catching the 9pm flight back to Amsterdam.  Seeing as our plane arrives at around 11am, we should be back home by about 1pm, just in time to pass out and start trying to recover from the inevitable jet lag travelling with a baby and preschooler has caused.  Saturday night we have a birthday party at Oma Oma's house... we'll have to see about that later.  It might be perfect for us, but it might be completely crazy (or both!).


Martijn said...

Hoii Schuttes :)

Goede reis en doe dikke kleren aan het is koud hier, maar geloof dat het in florida ook niet heel warm was toch..

Tot snelR

rachel said...

Bon voyage! (huh, schrijf ik dat zo goed?)
blij dat jullie weer naar huis komen, en inderdaad het is hier nog steeds een grote wintershow!
tot snel xx