Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday = Super Papa

Today was another Papa day, and for the record, Papa is AWESOME!!! He took some new pictures of the kids and captured some great video footage of Evie.

Clearly, this is an amazing talent!

The rest of the pictures can be found on this facebook album, but here's a teaser.
Our beautiful boy!
Like father, like son.
(in other words, Kind of dorky)
Evie with three of her favorite dolls.

Friday, February 26, 2010

We Want Unox

Unox is the best known brand of worst (sausage) in Holland. During these Olympic games they have a campaign with an English/Dutch play on words. The word for mitten in Dutch is "want", so when you say this outland you hear, "we want unox." The commercials crack us up every time...

Meanwhile, it's been a week of up and downs for the Dutch Olympic teams. Sven Kramer, sigh... In the 10 k race, he had it in the bag... until his coach mistakenly sent him into the wrong lane, causing an automatic disqualification. Such a disappointment.

As most have noticed, speed skating is pretty much the only sport the Dutch participate in. In the history of the Winter Olympic Games, all but three medals for The Netherlands have been won in speed skating. The others were in figure skating. That changed this week when Nicoline Sauerbreij won a gold medal in ladies snowboarding giant slalom! YAY!!! It is the first medal for Holland in the sport, and the first medal for Holland off the ice!

Cuddly on the Couch

What would have been a perfect picture was ruined because the camera was in video mode... to compensate there were many, many pictures taken of the kids cuddling on the couch. Some are dark, others are too bright, but all of them are adorable!!! Two little hams in love!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saturdays with Papa

Liz has started a new job at a cooking store in The Hague, which again leaves Tom with the kids in the weekend. Now that Felix is older, it's easier and more fun!
The picture doesn't have to be completely in focus to see the fun the kids are having here.

Any bets on who accessorized Felix?

You got it!

Playing in their bedroom together is the new fun thing to do these days.

In the afternoon, Tom took the kids to the petting zoo around the corner. This was the first time Felix has been able to appreciate the fact that he was there.
As always, Evie quickly went to work.

Tom didn't realise the camera was zoomed in when he decided to take a picture of him with a goat. At that moment, though, Mr. Goat decided to smack a big one on his cheek, making for a very funny photo.

He doesn't look that way, but Felix was actually quite impressed by the farm animals.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rub-a-Dub Dub, Felix in the Tub

Bathtime is still a very fun time at the Schutte house. Felix and Evie play the whole time together. This week we got some superior bath bubbles, making bathtime even more fun!!!
Felix wearing a Smurf hat

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Food and Drink

With every child's birthday at the creche we get a little present. The little presents range from an edible treat to bubbles or a book. Last week one of Felix's classmates turned two and gave each of his classmates a book. It all looks pretty normal on the outside. It's a sturdy board/foam book, perfect for little ones, and the subject is food and drink. However, the selection of food and drink is a tad unusual for a baby book.
"Food and Drink"

"Wine, Milk"

"Egg, Beer"

The food items were also not very healthy: pizza, candy, and hamburger. Even the choice of vegetables were kind of funny, with cauliflower and leeks. Every book has to set itself apart from the other, and this one does. The good news is, now Evie can recognize beer in a glass, not just in a can.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

To my family - love, Mama

"When I picture the Earth, I see a globe with my husband and kids right on top with little floating love hearts. So this is my Valentine's Day card to my beautiful family. I love you!" - Liz

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Orange at the Olympics

As everybody should know, the 2010 Olympics started last night in Vancouver.
The Dutch news channel had some good littly tidbits about Vancouver, including the history of the name of the city. The name originates from the name van Coeverden, a Dutch surname meaning from the city of Coevorden. Over the years and generations it became Vancouver. More here. The news went on to compare Vancouver to Coevorden, and apparently they actually have very similar weather. Now you know.

The winter sports are very important to the Dutch team, mostly because of all the (speed) skating competitions. This year's team from Holland has 36 athletes competing in many of the sports.
The Dutch team at the opening ceremonies.

If there is one Dutchie in particular to keep your eye on it is Sven Kramer, speedskater. He will be competing already today in the 5000 meter against America's Shani Davis. Very exciting indeed.
Sven Kramer

Keep your eyes out for the very orange fans at the Olympic games! When your'e not rooting for an American, why not root for a Dutchie?! And let's hope there are no more accidents, fatal or otherwise, these Olympic games.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a whirlwind weekend!!! It started Thursday evening when we started emptying the parental bedroom in preperation for Friday and Saturday. The big task for the weekend was the switching of the bedrooms. First we had to freshen up all the walls and finally finish the window frame in the bedroom. We also had to make sure all the modem cables were safely hidden. By Saturday afternoon we were assembling Evie's new loft bed and getting all the kids' toys and furniture into their new BIG Bedroom. That leaves us in a much, much smaller bedroom where our bed takes up about 90% of the room, but that's okay. What more do we need but to sleep in our room? The kids, on the other hand, now have a great place to play ane hang out. Evie referred to it yesterday as, "the other living room, where my bed is." Perfect!
Evie's new BIG big girl bed with her little big girl bed underneath - it looks so small now!

Here's a glimpse of Felix's side of the room. We'll work on getting some more decorations up over the next few weeks... months... years.

We had to make sure that the house all got put back together Saturday because Sunday was Liz's birthday and celebration. She made two cakes - carrot and german chocolate. Mmm, yum!
Liz at her birthday party.

Nearly evertbody went for seconds.

The kids came back Sunday from Oma and Opa's, and Felix had a special birthday present for Mama - he has the chicken pox! It turns out to be a very mild case, which is often what happens when babies get it before their first birthday. He has had no fever and fewer than twenty pox. There is a chance that he'll get it again in a few years, but only time will tell.
Our little polka boy. It got slightly worse after this, but not much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Overdressed for Creche

This picture was taken last week when Grandma Nan was here, but somehow got lost in the mix of things. Grandma gave Felix some great little suit sets, like the one he's wearing here. It also included a blazer. He sure looks snappy in a suit! Even though it's kind of ridiculous, we let him go to the creche wearing it. Unfortunately, he drooled too much and they took it off, or so they say. Probably they just didn't feel comfortable with him wearing such snazzy clothes!