Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday = Super Papa

Today was another Papa day, and for the record, Papa is AWESOME!!! He took some new pictures of the kids and captured some great video footage of Evie.

Clearly, this is an amazing talent!

The rest of the pictures can be found on this facebook album, but here's a teaser.
Our beautiful boy!
Like father, like son.
(in other words, Kind of dorky)
Evie with three of her favorite dolls.


Unknown said...

Hahaha oooh my gosh!! Evie is SO cute!! It's so adorable watching her learn how to do new things - especially things with her eyes!! Awesome job, Tom!! xoxo

Unknown said...

haha, ps. the littlest sister is "Pacific University"... I may or may not be at work right now :)

PortlandPaw said...

I can do that with my eyes, too...want to see it again?