Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Evie is getting older, and as she gets older she is getting smarter and wiser. For example:
"Girls can do everything better than boys. My Mom can make a better mess than my Papa."

Her English and Dutch translations have also shown the way her brain is working. Last week on the bike she said,
"I just let a brother, that's why I said sorry."
The Dutchies who read this might get it immediately, but there rest of you need to know that the word for brother is "broer", and the word for burp is "boer."

This is similar to her confusion when talking about the upcoming season. She told us that "lente" is coming. We told her the word in English is "spring." A few minutes later she said that the English word for spring is "jump." This, of course, because the dutch word for jump is "spring."

It will probably only get more confusing for her in the next year or so when learning the dutch alphabet (Dutch E is pronounced ay, which sounds like an English A, English E is pronounced ee, which sounds like the Dutch I.) Poor kid.

Evie's appreciation for music has also been increasing, and she loves to sing along. However, she doesn't always get the lyrics exactly right. For example:
"London Bitch is falling down, falling down,... ...take the key and knock her up, my fair lady"
"Dinah won't you blow, dinah won't you blow your nose."


PortlandPaw said...

I remember a little girl who used to sing about "Bastard the friendly bear." Baxter was upset by this label.

Bas en Wil op reis said...

ohhhhhhhhhh ze is zo grappig! Hillarious!! Willen jullie haar een extra dikke kus geven en haar " boer" ook?!?! xxx oma

Liz said...

I knew the Bastard the Friendly Bear would be mentioned!

Katherine said...

Hahahaha this is awesome!!! She is SUCH a cool little girl who is always entertaining (whether intentional or not). This is exactly what I needed! I've been up since 4am finishing studying for an exam I have at 8 and this just made my day, no doubt! I love that I can always count on the Schutte family to brighten my day :) Love and miss you guys wicked! xoxoxoxo

Nancy Hill said...

Thank you, you made me laugh for the first time today. I can't wait to see my little princess and her two children.

rachel said...

hahaha, I love her so much! erg grappig, vooral het stukje over haar 'Boer'tje' hihi! xxx