Friday, April 23, 2010

The Grandma Has Landed

Grandma Nan finally arrived Wednesday afternoon. It's so good to have her back. Yesterday we went to the city and saw Liz's new work, DOK Cookware in the Passage. We then made a lovely Teddy Bear Bread to go with dinner.
Evie and Grandma on the tram to the city center.
Evie didn't actually end up helping, but that doesn't stop her from proudly showing it to the camera.


Katherine said...

Ooooh so cool!! That teddy bear bread is impressive!!! I love the picture of mum and Evie both matching with their monochromatic outfits, complete with scarfs :) So happy she made it - better late than never!! Enjoy your time with her - I'm wicked jealous!! xoxoxoxoxo

PortlandPaw said...

They are color coordinated, aren't they?

Rachel said...

Dat ziet er weer gezellig uit! en volgens mij weet Nancy ook wel raad met al die leuke kookspulletjes!!!! enjoy your time together!

Bas en Wil op reis said...

wauw wat een indrukwekkende "beer" Felix kijkt ook echt z'n ogen uit! en zo trots als Evie kan kijken kan bijna niemand x