Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shoes full of Presents!

Zwarte Piet and Sinterklaas made another visit to our house last night leaving more little presents in our shoes. This time there was also a lovely poem thanking the kids for leaving a carrot and some water for Amerigo, the horse of Sinterklaas. Just like last time there were also plenty of kruidnoten (mini gingersnap cookies) left on the floor and table for the kids to have. What a treat first thing in the morning!


PortlandPaw said...

So you have to do this for the next month!?!? We're just getting ready for Thanksgiving, and you guys are so far ahead of us!

Very nice singing and apparently it worked.

Our love to all of you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving even if you don't do the turkey thing.

Grampy David

Rachel said...

wat een verwennerij weer! Sinterklaas kon dat uiteraard niet weerstaan, dat snapt iedereen. Tot vanmiddag/vanavond, ben benieuwd naar Thanksgiving!!!x