Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday Whoopie

Today was Elizabeth's birthday. Because of the big party we are having Saturday for her naturlisation, we decided not to do anything special for her birthday. Being a monday, however, meant that Menno came over for dinner. He gave a Whoopie Pie cookbook that we had to try out right away! The whoopies were very easy to make and oh so yummy!!! We made them a lot smaller than "normal" which meant we could actually finish a whole one without getting a tummy ache. The book is really cool with a whole bunch of variations of the whoopie pie. It will surely be a favorite! Thanks, Menno!


PortlandPaw said...

There's a bill working it's way through the Maine legislature to make whoopie pies the official state desert. There's some opposition from the blueberry pie lobby and from the nutrition nuts, so we'll have to wait and see.

PortlandPaw said...

Funny that the whoopie pie bill has actually become a partisan issue. One would think that love for this treat would cross party lines, but...NOOO!

For once I agree with the Republicans.