Wednesday, April 8, 2009

36 week Belly Shot

This picture was taken yesterday. Ulrike is 40 weeks 4 days, and Liz is exactly 36 weeks. Yes, we're wearing the same shirt... but it wasn't intentional! This will hopefully be the last belly picture with both of us. It's time for one of these babies to make her appearance!!


rachel said...

wow...die omtrekken zijn wel wat toegenomen sinds de babyshower! Jullie zien er mooi uit!!!

The Schutte Family said...

Wij zijn bijna even groot, he? o, jee

Bas en Wil op reis said...

Mooie Bolle Buiken Show!


Unknown said...

awww this is so cute! she i guess shes overdue huh? you guys look amazing, i hope when im pregnant i have someone to be preggo with! how fun =)