This was an exciting week for Felix. He now has his own highchair, which of course means that he can join us at the table! Until now he is just been in his bouncy seat next to the table. He is so happy with it! (as are we) It is the same chair Evie has, but in a different color. The model is actually the same high chair that Liz had as a baby. How cool is that?
Joining us at the table for the first time.Evie feeding him some pears.The kids sitting next to each other after dinner.He wasn't really drinking the water, but he thought he was pretty cool to have his own sippy cup.And in completely unrelated Felix news... He continues to move effortlessly backwards and has an amazing ability to crawl underneath things, such as the stroller:
The creche doesn't think it will take long before he is moving forwards. Evie started at 6 months and a week, so we'll just have to see if he can beat that! ;-) Yeah, yeah, don't compare kids and all that... but it's so much fun!
Grandpa David has alerted us to the fact that Evie is today 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days. Wow!
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