Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

Today was Evie's first day of primary school!!! Children can officially start school starting on their fourth birthday. But seeing as Evie's birthday was just two weeks before the summer holiday, we decided to wait until the new school year. So today she starts going fulltime to a nearby school.

She has been very excited to start school. We thought she wasn't nervous, but she did tell us a story that her "sister in Amsterdam" told her that if she is nervous she just has to say, "kada kada kada kada" and then you won't be nervous anymore. And sure enough, while walking to the school, without saying anything else, Evie said, "kada kada kada kada." That was it.

We got to her classroom where we met Juf Annette. Evie found the chair with her name on it and joined the other classmates in the circle. Evie knows two of the girls in the class already from gymnastics, and one boy who was also at the creche with her. After three hours of morning classes, Evie came home for a little over an hour for lunch before returning for another two hours of school. There is also the possibility of staying at school for lunch, which Evie will do sometimes as well.

When asked about her first day and what she did, Evie gives the typical "nothing" answer sometimes, but we have been able to get a few stories out. They read books, sang songs, did puzzles, colored, and played outside. At the dinner table she also demonstrated that she now knows how to raise her hand (actually her finger in Holland) to be called on to say something. It was so incredibly adorable!

Ready to go inside and start her school career!

Okay, Mama, you can go now.


Bas en Wil op reis said...

Fantastisch, Evie je lijkt wel een studentje!

PortlandPaw said...

That first day at school is a real milepost in a parent's life. It's the beginning of independence and learning things from people other than you and your immediate circle of friends and relatives. Their horizons broaden and, eventually, so will yours! Enjoy these wonderful years.
Love, Grandpa David

Rachel said...

aaaaaaaaaaah, juf annette boft met Evie in haar klas!Alle juffen en meesters mogen in hun handen knijpen met een leerling als Evie! Het ziet er naar uit dat Evie er, ondanks de zenuwen, klaar voor is! Ik weet zeker dat ze het heel erg leuk gaat vinden en nu kan ze nog wijzer worden!!! xx

Anonymous said...

Jeetje, Evie wat wordt je al een ontzettend grote meid. Eerste dag op de basisschool, wat leuk voor je. Juf Annette is vast erg aardig. En wat leuk dat je de eerste dag al zoveel geleerd hebt.
Liefs Opa Erno en Oma Els