Thursday, August 26, 2010

Teddy Bear Swimming

Today Felix attended his first Teddy Bear swim lessons. It is a fun swimming class for babies six months to four years. The children splash and sing songs and get used to being in the water. Evie started before her first birthday up until Felix came around, and then it got a little too difficult with a newborn in tow. We weren't able to start with Felix until now for a similar reason. But now that Evie goes to school every day, Felix can go swimming on Thursdays with Liz.

The first day was pretty exciting for him. Besides a few minutes in a pool in Florida, this was his first time in the swimming pool. He had huge eyes and a very serious expression on his face as he explored the water. After about a half hour he cracked his first smile while playing with a ball. We are excited to be going back every week!

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