Normally Evie has gymnastics on Thursdays. Being school vacation, however, there is none this week. So this morning Liz took Evie, Felix, and Finn to Ballorig, an indoor play paradise for kids one to twelve years. Think McDonalds Play Land but then 100 times bigger. We got there shortly after they opened, which meant that there were very few other children to start with. Felix was even able to go explore the big kid area (with Liz!). Evie and Finn were off in no time exploring and climbing and jumping and running. It was awesome. Liz had fun being a kid again, too, with Felix! Hence, there are more pictures of Felix than anyone else. By the time we left it was starting to get really busy and we were getting hungry. We had our lunch in the tram on the way home.
Finn & Evie in the tram to Ballorig.
He was climbing up everywhere!
And of course he got to enjoy another favorite pastime of his - pushing buttons.
This was his face after another kid jumped into the ball bath.
tof! kan me voorstellen dat je er zelf ook van genoten hebt! Ze zouden eigenlijk zoiets moeten maken voor volwassenen...dan zou ik zeker met je meegaan ;)
tof! kan me voorstellen dat je er zelf ook van genoten hebt! Ze zouden eigenlijk zoiets moeten maken voor volwassenen...dan zou ik zeker met je meegaan ;)
like, yeah, dude..get out of here, bro! i'm chillin' in my zone man..
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