Monday, July 12, 2010

Championship Day

The day of the World Cup championship game we were sure to have our best orange! Evie had six "Beesies" in her hair.
vie had six "Beesies" in her hair.

The kids were running around the house with thier giant beesie.

Evie practices her cheers.

For the game we went to Martijn & Danielle's house. The kids went to bed at their normal time and missed the game, but I don't think they mind too much.
Having gone through two orange t-shirts, Felix had to wear red. It's a good thing he has a flag on his cheek!

By the end of the day, Evie only had four Beesies in her hair.

Olee olee olee oleeee!

Holland! Holland!

Get that vuvuzela out of my face!

Danielle and Martijn

Oma Oma, Dick Kaat, and Danielle's parents were also there!

No post-game photos. :-(

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ik denk dat Evie bij het volgende WK uitgenodigd zal worden i.p.v. Shakira, dit is toch veel mooier!!!